Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Summer Swimwear 2012

Along with the latest shopping spree's and fashion columns comes the ever anticipated season of bathing suit shopping. These are some of the current Summer 2012 trends in swimwear:
Contrast is always a big hit, this year it's black&white
Another trend is unusual architectural work, a.k.a. the one shoulder, monokini's, cut-outs, etc.: 
Knit is another trend, whether it be crochet, eyelet, etc. it's in this summer:

Wild prints, mix&match prints and nautical themed prints are also in this season if your looking for something more out of the ordinary:

These pictures are all thanks to Harper's Bazaar website and their 2012 swimwear articles.

Some of my favorite styles for bathing suits this year are the push-up, ruffles, and white: